Dec 5, 2018

Nothing to write

Maybe writer block? or i'm lazy to think of anything.

Or maybe i'm just a bad writer.

But nevertheless, I'll keep on writing.


Dec 4, 2018

On learning

I'm in quest learning new stuff everyday.

I'm learning new method on fitness and health at Mindvalley today, then it acquire to me that, I know this stuff. I already got the fitness program that similar to this, but without result.

The problem is not on learning new thing, the problem is practising what you had learn. I learn so much stuff in my lifetime, and yet, very few that I practice today.

Now, keep on practising and learning.

Dec 2, 2018

After 8 years

What happen during this 8 years?

Not much, i wish something big happen but it isn't.

I'm still distracted, i'm still not calm enough, i'm still sleep late and wake up late, still not healthy eater, still not exercise enough, not learning enough.

But that's not gonna stop me from trying to be better version of myself.

I am better.

Oct 28, 2010


In this age of information, or age of distraction, ones very hard to focus on finishing something essential. More of our time we try to consume every new information that we get in, let say every secs. That's mean every secs we got distracted by new information, gossip, news, new gadget and many more. And we have been flushed far away from our main focus, life and doing something meaningful to achieve life's goal.

Its including me, I once been stuck hours at facebook, i'm feeling the needs to be the first to know, fear that i cant keep up to date with my friends. But now im struggling to get out from that, and start be present, connect with people surrounding me, not every single person in the world.

Im try to focus for one things only at one time. Limit my task list. Stop multi tasking. I'm in progress of simplify my life. Before this i'm always stuck in tutorial blog, read one after one another, but never really follow the tutorial. Read design blog, from comic to countless of inspired articles, its get me inspired to do work, but not to get it done. Now i'm discipline myself just to read couple of articles one day. So that i will read less but take action, and connect with surrounding.

Oct 24, 2010

Personal Project

Aku byk berpk utk buat something tetapi tak berjaya langsung untuk mengambil langkah untuk membuatnya. Kebanyakan masa dihabiskan dgn ber facebook, baca blog2, tgh movie, baca manga, and mcm2 lagi mende yg buleh mendistractkan diri dr membuat perkara yang betul2 kita suka. Jadi mulai saat ini, aku nak buat keputusan utk menulis perkara2 yang aku ingin buat. And here the list:

  1. Buat blog mengenai design. (especially islamic design)
  2. Buat buletin/risalah untuk diedarkan ke kejiranan.
  3. Buat monthly photo inspired e-zine.
  4. Buat income statement everymonth.

Jadi untuk menjayakan blog design ni, firstly aku nk senaraikan possible headline utk blog post aku. i want to make sure my audience get the best quality out of my write. so here are the list:

  1. Design: from subjective to objective
  2. Design is not just decoration, it's communication.
  3. Different message through design
  4. Why many people don't trust advertisement
  5. Big question about design
  6. Small change, big different
  7. How important is User Experience (UX)
  8. The power of imagination
  9. 50 superb illustration around the world
  10. Why camera is not important compare to the knowledge
  11. Why graphic design
  12. The big tree of designer
  13. Hierarchy of good design team
  14. What is Art Director?
  15. 50 fantastic Photoshoped Photo
  16. How to determine good, great or bad photo
  17. 10 Well known photographer around the world
  18. Showcase: 30 Best 3D architectual
  19. Let's read book and get inspired. (List of good design book)
  20. Photographer that I follow and learn a lot from him/her
  21. 10 must read design & inspiration blog
  22. Effective working hour system
  23. Showcase: 70 Amazing Arabesque Graphic Design
  24. How to manage design team
  25. Different designer responsible
  26. 50 Best Photoshop Tutorial
  27. 10 actively tutorial blog
  28. 10 places to steal the idea
  29. Creating idea bank
  30. Please think from user perspective

May 27, 2010

Reminder For Myself When go Out Shooting

ALWAYS check your camera setting!
Before shooting everything should be check.
ISO, white balance, image quality, image size, optimize image, shooting mode, focusing (manual or auto), AF setting (af-s/af-c).
And other things to remember are, full charge all the battery, optimize usage of the camera bag, format the CF card.

While shooting: also ALWAYS remember to check your camera setting!
Always remember to remember check the camera setting while shooting. For safe always check screen after 5-7 frame. Make sure everything is ok. When change location, make sure change the setting of the camera, shutter speed, aperture and ISO, also white balance and flash compensate.

This is critical; there is no software to correct out of focus image. When focusing using zoom lense, zoom in first then focus; it’s to make sure subject is really on focus, and then zoom out to make the composition.

Counter attack the blur image
Camera shake; To avoid this; make sure the shutter speed not more than the focal lens. Example: on 50mm lens, shutter speed should be at 1/50s or faster.
Motion blur; to avoid this, if subject is human moving; usually 1/60s can freeze the subject.
Out of focus; refer to focusing note.

Figure out the best place to take photo
Usually during speech, photographers are not ethically to move around. Make sure to spot the best place before VIP coming. Make sure the background, it’s always good to have the logo or backdrop of event.
Which one is better?

Rejected Photo

  1. Out of focus
  2. Blur: Camera shake
  3. Blur: Motion blur, small blur would be acceptable
  4. Bad Composition
  5. Noise
  6. Same frame; if there are 3 same subject, same angle(angel?), better just choose one.
  7. Really dark photo, or under expose until 3 stops should be rejected unless it’s really important photo.
  8. Subject make ugly face.
  9. Meaningless photo.

So, anyone what to add up anything? Feel free to put it under the comment. J

Apr 17, 2010

Panggil SWF dari luar.

Kalau kita nak panggil movie clip dari luar, file flash kita tu mestilah ada pada folder yang sama dengan file yang kita nak panggil tu. Maksudnya jika nak panggil "bola.swf" contohnya, kita nak loadkan ke dalam "main.swf", jadinya "bola.swf" dan "main.swf" mesti berada dalam folder yang sama. Ada cara lain kita nak panggil jika file berada dlm folder yang berlainan, tapi kita skip dulu yg tu, untuk memudahkan kita faham dulu.

Untuk tutorial kita ni, kita akan load "bola.swf" ke dalam "main.swf". Untuk load movie dr luar, dlm "main.swf" kita mestilah ada tempat utk kita load movie tu. Jadi kita akan buat satu Movie Clip kosong dalam "main.swf" dengan instance name TempatLoad.

Jadi, kita mulakan dengan movie yang kita nak load, "bola.swf" kalau tade movie tu camne kita nak load kan?
Create new file. (File > New...) atau (Ctrl+N)

Pilih Flash (ActionScript 2) > then click OK.
Anda akan dapat satu file Flash AS2 yang kosong.

Just buat satu animation yang simple. Utk contoh ini, sy buat satu bulatan dr besar ke kecil di tengah2 stage. Just buat simple tweening, dan save as "bola.fla", then test movie. (Ctrl+ENTER).

Lukis bulat pakai Oval Tool.

Right-click frame 1 > Create Motion Tween. (Untuk CS4 > create classic tween kalau tak silaplah)

Kat Frame 35. RightClick > Insert Keyframe

Kecilkan Bulatan tadi pakai Free Transform (Q) tools.

Save as "bola.fla". File > Save...

Test Movie (CTRL+ENTER)

Sekarang kita dah settle dgn "bola.swf", cek dlm folder, pastikan ada "bola.fla" dan "bola.swf".
Senang kan? sekarang kita nak buat "main.swf".

Buat satu flash file baru, (CTRL+N), pilih Flash (ActionScript 2) juga.

Untuk file ini kita akan buat satu movie clip sebagai holder untuk kita loadkan "bola.swf'. Pilih rectangle tool (R) . buat petak di tengah2 stage.

Then convert kan petak tu ke symbol (F8). Pilih Movie Clip utk Type dan pastikan registration point select yang kiri atas.

Then click OK. Kat Properties Panel akan ditunjukkan kat situ Movie Clip. Isikan petak kpd TempatLoad.

Sekarang kita hanya perlu tulis satu line script utk load movie tu. Select frame 1.

Hit F9 untuk keluarkan ActionScript panel. dan taip script ini.


Save file dekat folder yang sama dengan "bola.swf" tadi. Then test movie. (CTRL+ENTER). Kita perlu save dlu baru test movie. Kalau tak akan kuar error. Senang je kan?